The Key flaws and myths of 'Gender Identity' ideology
Here then are the key flaws to the definition and concept of Gender Identity.
Disproved Original Theory: The concept of 'gender identity' was popularised by John Money in the 1960s. His theory was famously disproven by the case of David Reimer, a boy raised as a girl following a botched circumcision, who eventually reclaimed his birth sex but tragically committed suicide as an adult.
School Curriculum: Schools teach that everyone has an internal sense of gender identity. This teaching varies widely, with no consensus on the number of genders, 2, 3?, 85? Infinite?
See list:
Gender Performance: Schools teach that gender identity is expressed through clothing, mannerisms, and behaviours, aligning with traditional gender stereotypes.
Misclassification of Gender Dysphoria: Gender dysphoria is taught as an identity rather than a diagnosable mental condition.
Lack of Empirical Evidence: Over 100 clinicians and researchers worldwide state that there is no scientific evidence for 'gender identity', nor a test to accurately identify transgender individuals.
Children’s Identity: Teaching that children have a fixed 'authentic identity' from a young age can be misleading, as children's identities evolve over time.
Affirmation vs. Natural Development: The majority of children experiencing gender dysphoria will re-identify with their birth sex after puberty, often growing up to be homosexual adults. The concern is that early affirmation may interfere with this natural developmental process.
Professional Expertise: Diagnosing gender dysphoria is beyond the professional expertise of teachers, and predictions about a child's future gender identity are uncertain.
Misdiagnosis: A significant percentage of students with gender dysphoria also present with other conditions such as autism, trauma, or internalised homophobia, which require professional evaluation and support, not school intervention."
Commercial Interests: The concept of Gender Identity underpins an industry, and schools inadvertently channel children into this industry when they:
Encouraging social transition and gender affirmation.
Promote certain gender ideologies.
Display symbols or mandate specific pronoun usage.
School counsellor refers to gender-affirming practitioners.
It is important to understand that it is upon this nebulous and vague concept of “gender identity” that self-identification is based. It is commonly understood to be a performance of sex-based stereotypes as indicated by mannerisms or dress, or language via “preferred pronouns” and name. This is reflected in “gender identity means the gender‑related identity, appearance or mannerisms or other gender‑related characteristics of a person (whether by way of medical intervention or not), with or without regard to the person’s designated sex at birth.” (Sex Discrimination Act definition).
In other words, one’s ‘gender identity’ is subjective, performative and for the most part is transitory. Allowing people, in particular minors, to change their birth certificates and legal status when their change of identity is more likely transitory, resolved through the completion of puberty, is not a sensible public policy.